background image

4. JOIN HEALTH App Set up

4.1 Welcome page

4.3 Main Page

      My Devices

4.4 Scanned


4.2 Create an Account:


- Look for Verification Email in 

       Your Inbox 
     - Verify Your Account to Sign 
       In for the First Time

Google fit android app  


Sign In with JOIN HEALTH App Account 

5.2. Home Page

5.3. Click on Google Fit Button 

       in Account Binding Section

5.4. Sign In with Google account

5.4.1 If there shows a warning window,

         please click "Advanced" below

5.4.2 Then Click "Go to"

5.5.  Add & See Your Heart Rate Info

        to Your Data

5.6.  Add & See Your Physical Info

to Your Data

5.7.  Confirm Your Choices

5.8.  Allow Permissions

5.9.  Account Is Connected

Scan the following QR code to download the apps:  

Join Health app, Google fit app, Alexa app.

2. Install Three Apps

1. Health Watch Basics Features

Quick Installation Guide For HC 200

ULSee Health Watch Elite

1. Have a long press on band for 3 seconds in shutdown and 

    charging state to power on. 

2. Switch to shutdown interface in start-up state and have a long  

    press on shutdown interface for 3 seconds to power off. 

| Power On/ Off

5. Google Fit Binding

shutdown interface

JOIN HEALTH android app

Alexa android app  


Google fit ios app  

Alexa ios app  

Ulnar styoid process

Left Hand


Please take the band out in first charge, and charge by the corresponding charger. 

(Charge mode: as shown in below diagram, please place the band in charge, align two 

touch points of charger)

| Charging Method

| Wearing Method

1. Best wear the Heath Watch behind ulna styloid process;

2. Adjust its size according to adjustment holes, and fasten in  Health Watch buckle. 

3. Sensor shall be close to skin avoiding moving.


Wrist Strap

Display Screen

Regulation Hole

It is required to correct by connecting with JOIN HEALTH App in first use. The band 

automatically synchronizes time after connecting successfully. Otherwise, step calcula-

tion, heart rate data, temperature data won't be updated. 

Bluetooth connection: 

After successful paring, JOIN HEALTH App will automatically 

save  band Bluetooth address. 

Data synchronization: 

Manually drop HEALTH App main page down to synchronize 

data; the band can save offline date of 7 days. After synchronize, ”synchronization 

finish” will popped up. 


3. Device Connection 

Open the APP click to set icon

My device (IOS) Search

device (Android)

Click the upper right to serach icon

Click the device to connect
