Getting to know Menu.Applet
To help you get started, this section provides an initial overview of the Menu.Applet
interface. First, let’s look at a typical Menu.Applet workspace:
The Menu.Applet workspace contains three main panels: Item Tree View Panel,
Properties Panel, and Compose/Preview Panel.
Item Tree View Panel Displays the layout of the menu items in a flowchart diagram
showing the various menu items and submenus. Add menu and submenu items (child
and/or sibling items) to your menu in this panel.
Properties Panel Configure and customize the applet and menu items in this panel.
Preferences for dimension, color, background and behavior of each item can be set
using this panel.
Compose/Preview Panel Display the layout of your menu in two modes: Compose
(layout only) or Preview (shows a running version). Correct errors, fine-tune
settings, and preview menus through this panel.
Item Tree
View Panel
Compose/ Preview
You must have Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or above to be able to preview your work in
the Preview panel.