Soldering the Printboard
Back to the top you should start with the lowest components to be fitted, ie first, the resistors then the
capacitors. In the next level then the IC sockets, the voltage regulator. The BTDR-2 module at the last
(component side). Left are the names of the components, on the right picture the values.
One should make things quiet and rather even look because it is not as easy for inexperienced to
switch to a through-hole printed circuit board, a component.
If everything is assembled and the potentiometer wired, they are soldered into the PCB only a.
Thus, the majority would already be done. Who has opted for a pre-drilled housing needs now just
mount the Potentimeter and place the board about it. When the board you have to press a bit, and
before the strands sort something neatly under the board, since it at the point where the dual
potentiometer sits but is relatively scarce. In any case, the board must sit so that when you screw the
peripheral groove does not touch any pins on the board.
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