C o p y r i g h t b y U h l - I n s t r u m e n t s M a n u a l
Seite 30
Mix/Dist Lo:
This controls the mix of the lower rotor in the signal as well as the distance of the virtual mic from
the rotor. The first half of the travel (from all the way counter-clockwise to center) determines the mix. At 7
o’clock (all the way counter-clockwise) there is no lower rotor simulation in the mix. Note this does not remove
the bass content from the signal; it simply removes the rotary effect. You can use this to emulate the classic
“Memphis style” Rotary sound. The “Memphis style” on a real Rotary is achieved by unplugging the motors on
the lower rotor, so that only the upper rotor spins.
From center to 5 o’clock (all the way clockwise), the knob adjusts the distance of the virtual mic from the lower
rotor. This is handy for decreasing the amount of AM (amplitude modulation) in the signal. Pulling the mic
further back decreases the “wub wub wub” effect that can be distracting, especially when you’re playing left
hand and/or pedal bass.
Mix/Dist Hi:
As with the MIX / DIST LO knob, this controls the mix of the upper rotor in the signal as well as the
distance of the virtual mics from the rotor. The first half of the travel (from all the way counter-clockwise to
center) determines the mix. At 7 o’clock (all the way counter-clockwise) there is no upper rotor simulation in the
mix. Instead you’ll hear the direct input signal (in stereo if both jacks are used).
From center to 5 o’clock (all the way clockwise), the knob adjusts the distance of the virtual mics from the upper
Pots Secondary Functions
Slow Speed (2nd Func):
The Slow Speed knob adjusts the bass and treble rotors’speeds while the unit is in
SLOW mode. Twist the knob to the
far left for slower speeds and to the far right for faster speeds:
Bass 0,12Hz – 2,51Hz (0,76Hz)
Horn 0,13Hz – 2,62Hz (0,8Hz)
The 10 o’clock position yield the values shown in brackets, which correspond to the speeds of an average 122
model Rotary.
Secondary Functions
Thus the Vent II in sync with the
Half Moon switch (Slow Stop Fast)
is working, the "Remote (2nd Func)
controller must be set to 9 o’ clock