Umwelt-Geräte-Technik GmbH | Eberswalder Str. 58 | D-15374 Müncheberg | Tel.: +49 (0) 33 43 2 - 89 575 |
Fig. 5: Micrologger IL-2700
General guidelines for operation
A complete specification of the menu structure and the functions of this handheld device
at the chart at subsection “4.8 menu structure” as well as on the appositional laminated
In the context of the menu navigation the “Start”-button is always used in terms of an
“Enter” button and the “On”-button is used in terms of “Escape”. Hence the “Start”-
button always leads to the next lower menu section and the “On”-buttonback to the next
higher menu section. The operation of the “Step”-button relates to the down arrow key
and is used to choose a menu item
Setting the sampling interval and the tension in the according menus, the values can be
raised by 10 by holding the “Step”-button (1 sec) and set to 0 by holding the “On”-button.
In principle the logger can be read out directly at the measurement site, e.g. with a laptop,
perhaps to check the measurement results. But it is recommended to unplug the
connection cable between handheld device and laptop for the measurement to avoid
RS 232 (to PC)