All product warranties for the product by are limited to
those mentioned in the product manual.
BITwave, FSC and all their representatives, agents, distributors,
suppliers and resellers shall not be liable and will be held harmless
from any and all litigation, claims, debts, demands, actions and
liability which may arise, directly or indirectly, from operating or
using the product for any damages, losses, distress, pain, suffering,
discomfort, loss and injuries including bodily harm illness, strains,
fractures, partial and/or total paralysis, death or other ailments
that could cause serious disability either to any persons, or any
parties whether the user or other third parties or their possessions,
or to any goods, vehicles, properties, assets among others including
your own suffered by any persons, organizations, or any third parties
whether physical or otherwise and which may accrue to you in the
future, to the fullest extent permitted by law as a result of the use,
operation, malfunctioning, misuse, disposal or repairs of the product
or any other reasons, conditions or circumstances or attempts todo
so whether due negligence, omissions or otherwise of BITwave,
FSC or any of their representatives, partners, agents, distributors,
suppliers, resellers, designer, manufacturer or any others in its
supply and distribution chain or any third parties involved.
Warranty does not cover data recovery and physical deterioration
due to use, damages resulting from accidents, storage, loss or
data loss or damage during repairs or transits. The sender will
bear all transportation charges for functioning products but which
were declared defective.