TOOL HANDLING & USE cont'd....
10. Under no circumstances shall a loaded tool be left unattended.
11. Tools, whether loaded or not, must not be pointed at any person.
12. The muzzle of the tool must not be depressed by the palm of the
13. The tool should always be held perpendicular to the work surface while
fastening any material, except for special applications
recommended by and carried out in accordance with specific
practices prescribed by the tool manufacturer.
14. In the event of a misfire, the operator shall continue to hold the tool
firmly against the work surface for a period of not less than 15
seconds, after which time the cartridge shall be ejected. The misfired
cartridge must be removed from the spent power load strip and
disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
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1. Fasteners shall not be driven into very hard or brittle materials
including but not limited to cast iron, glazed tile, hardened steel,
glass block, natural rock, hollow tile, or some types of brick.
2. When the hardness of a substrate or surface is not known, it
shall be tested by using a hand hammer to drive the point of the
fasteners into the surface. If a fastener does not easily penetrate, is
not blunted, and does not fracture the surface, initial test fastenings
shall then be made in accordance with the tool manufacturer's
recommendations. If the point of the fastener does not penetrate the
surface, no attempt shall be made to use the tool on that surface.
3. Fasteners shall not be driven into easily penetrable or crumbly
materials of unknown resistance.
4. Fasteners with a shank diameter of 4.83 mm (0.190 in) or less shall not
be driven into concrete:
at a distance closer than 75mm (3 in) from an unsupported
edge, unless written approval from the manufacturer is
obtained prior to undertaking this work.
b. that is less than 65mm (2-1/2 in) in thickness, or three times the
penetration of the fastener shank;
at a distance less than 75mm (3 in) from where another fastener
has failed.
Fasteners with a shank diameter of 4.83mm (0.190 in) or less shall not
be driven into steel:
that is less than 4.83mm (3/16 in) in thickness;
at a distance less than 50mm (2 in) from a weld; and
at a distance less than 13mm (1/2 in) from the edge.
Fasteners with a shank diameter larger than 4.83mm (0.190 in) shall
not be driven into steel:
that is less than 10mm (3/8 in) in thickness;
at a distance less than 50mm (2 in) from a weld; and
at a distance less than 13mm (1/2 in) from the edge.
Fasteners may be driven into masonry walls (brick or block) but shall
not be driven into a corner brick nor a vertical mortar joint.
Fasteners shall not be driven directly adjacent to pretensioning or
post tensioning tendons.