LISA-U2 series - System integration manual
UBX-13001118 - R27
Features description
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The temperature thresholds are defined in
Low temperature shutdown
40 °C
Equal to the absolute minimum temperature rating for the cellular
module (the lower limit of the extended temperature range)
Low temperature warning
30 °C
10 °C above t
High temperature warning
+77 °C
20 °C below t
. The higher warning area for the upper range
ensures that any countermeasures used to limit the thermal
heating will become effective, even considering some thermal
inertia of the complete assembly.
High temperature shutdown +97 °C
Equal to the internal temperature Ti measured in the worst case
operating condition at typical supply voltage when the ambient
temperature Ta in the reference setup (*) equals the absolute
maximum temperature rating (upper limit of the extended
temperature range)
(*)LISA-U2 module mounted on a 90 x 70 x 1.46 mm 4-Layers PCB with a high coverage of copper within the climatic chamber
Table 60: Thresholds definition for the Smart Temperature Supervisor on the LISA-U2 modules
The sensor measures the board temperature inside the shields, which can differ from the ambient
Bearer Independent Protocol
Not supported by the "01", "x2", "63" and "68" product versions.
The Bearer Independent Protocol is a mechanism by which a cellular module provides a SIM with
access to the data bearers supported by the network. With the Bearer Independent Protocol (BIP) for
Over-the-Air SIM provisioning, the data transfer from and to the SIM uses either an already active PDP
context or a new PDP context established with the APN provided by the SIM card.
For more details, see the u-blox AT commands manual
Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption Service
Not supported by the "01", "x2", "63" and "68" product versions.
The Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption Service (eMLPP) permits to handle the call priority. The
maximum priority associated to a user is set in the SIM: within this threshold, the user can assign
different priorities to the calls. This results in a differentiated treatment of the calls by the network in
case of abnormal events such as handovers to congested cells.
For more details, see the u-blox AT commands manual
Network Friendly Mode
Not supported by the “01", "x2", "63" and "68" product versions.
The Network Friendly Mode (NFM) feature provides a more efficient access to the network since it
regulates the number of network accesses per service type over a configurable amount of time,
avoiding scenarios in which the cellular module continuously retries a registration or a PDP context
activation procedure until it is successful. In case of appropriate network rejection errors, a back-off
timer can be started: when the timer is running or the number of allowed accesses is reached, further
attempts are denied and an URC may be enabled to indicate the time remaining before a further
attempt can be served. The back-off timer controls the temporal spread of successive attempts to
register to CS or PS services, to activate a PDP context and to send SMS messages.