LENA-R8 series - System integration manual
UBX-22015376 - R02
System description
Page 31 of 116
GNSS serial communication interface
LENA-R8001 modules do not include a GNSS receiver: GNSS UART interface is not available.
GNSS UART interface
LENA-R8001M10 modules supports a 1.8 V UART interface consisting of the
data input
line and the
data output line, directly connected to the internal u-blox M10 GNSS chipset
(as is illustrated in
The GNSS UART can be used as serial interface for direct communication between the internal u-blox
M10 GNSS chipset and an external host.
The GNSS UART interface supports configurable baud rates. The default baud rate is 38
400 bit/s,
with 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) default frame format.
Neither handshaking signals nor hardware flow control signals are available i
n the UART interface.
For more information about GNSS UART interface, see the u-blox M10 standard precision GNSS chip
data sheet
, integration manual
It is recommended to provide access to the
pins of LENA-R8001M10
modules for diagnostic purpose, by means of test points directly connected to the pins.
GNSS Peripheral Input/Output
LENA-R8001 modules do not include a GNSS receiver: GNSS PIOs are not available.
LENA-R8001M10 modules provide the following 1.8 V peripheral output pins directly connected to
the internal u-blox M10 GNSS chipset (as is illustrated in
output pin features time pulse signal. Make sure there is no load at this pin, which
could cause the pin being low at startup.
external interrupt input pin, which can be used for functions such as accurate external
frequency aiding, time mark aiding, wake up from power save mode, and ON/OFF control of the
GNSS receiver.
For more information about GNSS peripheral input/output, see the u-blox M10 standard precision
GNSS chip data sheet
, and interface description