Ubisense – Ultra-Wideband Location System – Ubitag V2.2
The activity of the LEDs on the Ubitag may be used to diagnose potential problems with the
Periodic, short (less than 1/10
second) flashes of the LED indicate that the tag is in
communication with the local Ubisensor network, and that the device is emitting UWB
signals enabling its position to be found.
Longer (half-second) flashes of the LED indicate that the tag is searching for signals from
the local Ubisensor network, and that tracking functionality is not available at that
location. Ensure that the tag is within an area covered by the Ubisense Location System.
If you are still unsure as to whether or not the Ubitag is operating correctly, contact your system
administrator, who should be able to use Ubisense’s monitoring tools to determine the extent and
cause of any potential problem.
Correct Operation