UAP-nanoHD Qu ck Start Gu de
2. Th s dev ce must accept any nterference rece ved, nclud ng nterference that may cause undes red
operat on.
Th s equ pment has been tested and found to comply w th the l m ts for a Class A d g tal dev ce, pursuant
to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These l m ts are des gned to prov de reasonable protect on aga nst harmful
nterference when the equ pment s operated n a commerc al env ronment. Th s equ pment generates,
uses, and can rad ate rad o frequency energy and, f not nstalled and used n accordance w th the
nstruct on manual, may cause harmful nterference to rad o commun cat ons. Operat ons of th s
equ pment n a res dent al area s l kely to cause harmful nterference n wh ch case the user w ll be
requ red to correct the nterference at h s own expense.
Th s rad o transm tter has been approved by FCC.
ISED Canada
Th s dev ce compl es w th ISED Canada l cence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operat on s subject to the
follow ng two cond t ons:
1. Th s dev ce may not cause nterference, and
2. Th s dev ce must accept any nterference, nclud ng nterference that may cause undes red operat on
of the dev ce.
Th s rad o transm tter has been approved by ISED Canada.
The dev ce for operat on n the band 5150-5250 MHz s only for ndoor use to reduce the potent al for
harmful nterference to co-channel mob le satell te systems.
Le présent appare l est conforme aux CNR d’ISDE Canada appl cables aux appare ls rad o exempts de
l cence. L’explo tat on est autor sée aux deux cond t ons su vantes :
1. l’appare l ne do t pas produ re de brou llage;
2. l’appare l do t accepter tout brou llage rad oélectr que sub , même s le brou llage est suscept ble d’en
compromettre le fonct onnement.
Le présent émetteur rad o a été approuvé par ISDE Canada.
Les d spos t fs fonct onnant dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz sont réservés un quement pour une ut l sat on
à l’ ntér eur af n de rédu re les r sques de brou llage préjud c able aux systèmes de satell tes mob les
UAP-nanoHD Qu ck Start Gu de