UDM-Pro Quick Start Guide
http://dl-origin.ubnt.com/qsg/UDM-Pro/UDM-Pro_EN.html[03.04.2020 10:43:36]
UniFi Dream Machine Pro
Rack-Mount Brackets (Qty. 2)
Bracket Screws (Qty. 8)
Mounting Screws (Qty. 4)
Cage Nuts (Qty. 4)
Security Screw
2.5" HDD Screws (Qty. 4)
Power Cord
Rubber Feet (Qty. 4)
Package Contents
System Requirement
Either of the following is required:
iOS or Android™ Mobile Device with UniFi Network App Installed
Web Browser: Google Chrome (Other browsers may have limited functionality)
We strongly recommend using UPS backup and power regulation to
prevent equipment damage due to stability issues with local AC power.
UDM-Pro Quick Start Guide