Front Panel Button
There are two methods to reset the
EdgeSwitch XG to factory defaults:
Runtime Reset (Recommended)
The EdgeSwitch XG should be running
after bootup is complete, and the System
LED is white. Press and hold the Reset
button. The EdgeSwitch XG will reboot, and
the System LED becomes blue after three
seconds. Continue to hold the Reset button
for about 15 seconds until the System LED
flashes blue for two seconds. This indicates
that the EdgeSwitch XG has reset to its
factory defaults.
Power-on Reset
1. Disconnect the power from the
EdgeSwitch XG.
2. While connecting the power to the
EdgeSwitch XG, hold the Reset button
for about 15 seconds until the System
LED flashes blue for two seconds. This
indicates that the EdgeSwitch XG has
reset to its factory defaults.