AM-2G16-90 Qu ck Start Gu de
Polar zat on
Dual L near
Cross-Pol Isolat on
28 dB M n.
ETSI Spec f cat on
EN 302 326 DN2
Mount ng
Un versal Pole Mount, Rocket Bracket, and
Weatherproof RF Jumpers Included
Safety Not ces
1. Read, follow, and keep these nstruct ons.
2. Heed all warn ngs.
3. Only use attachments/accessor es spec f ed by the manufacturer.
Do not use th s product n locat on that can be submerged by water.
Avo d us ng th s product dur ng an electr cal storm. There may be a remote
r sk of electr c shock from l ghtn ng.
Electr cal Safety Informat on
1. Compl ance s requ red w th respect to voltage, frequency, and current requ rements nd cated
on the manufacturer’s label. Connect on to a d fferent power source than those spec f ed may
result n mproper operat on, damage to the equ pment or pose a f re hazard f the l m tat ons
are not followed.
2. There are no operator serv ceable parts ns de th s equ pment. Serv ce should be prov ded only
by a qual f ed serv ce techn c an.
L m ted Warranty
u .com/support/warranty
The l m ted warranty requ res the use of arb trat on to resolve d sputes on an nd v dual bas s, and,
where appl cable, spec fy arb trat on nstead of jury tr als or class act ons.
Compl ance
RF Exposure Warn ng
The antenna and transm tter must be nstalled to prov de a separat on d stance from all persons
and must not be located or operat ng n conjunct on w th any other antenna or transm tter. For the
spec f c separat on d stance, refer to the Qu ck Start Gu de for your Rocket dev ce (transm tter).
L’antenne et l’émetteur do t être nstallé pour fourn r une d stance de séparat on de toute les
personnes et ne do t pas être s tué ou opérant en conjonct on avec une autre antenne ou un autre
émetteur. Pour la d stance spéc f que de séparat on, se référer au Gu de de démarrage rap de pour
votre appare l Rocket (l’émetteur).
WEEE Compl ance Statement
AM-2G16-90 Qu ck Start Gu de
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