airFiber Configuration
5. Click the Wireless tab.
6. Enter the Basic Wireless Settings:
a. For one airFiber AF24, select Master from the Wireless Mode
drop-down. For the other airFiber AF24, keep the default,
b. Enter a name in the Link Name field. This should be the
same on both the Master and the Slave.
c. For the Duplex drop-down:
Half Duplex
The default mode. The TX and RX Frequencies
can be the same or different to suit local interference.
Full Duplex
The TX and RX Frequencies should be different.
d. Select a TX Frequency. This must match the RX Frequency on
your other airFiber AF24.
e. Select a RX Frequency. This must match the TX Frequency of
your other airFiber AF24.
f. If needed, change the Output Power, Maximum Modulation
Rate, and/or RX Gain settings.