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To enter a fullstall pull both brakes full travel (ensure no twisted or wrapped lines). The canopy has to be stabilized be-
fore recovering the fullstall. Rise both brakes slowly and symmetrically to recover. If done right, the canopy overshoots
a little forward without collapsing. Avoid an asymmetric recovery by all means. The dynamic forces drive the canopy to
overreact and a collapse could occur.
Never release the brakes at the beginning of the recovery when the canopy tilts forward, the
canopy may accelerate foward in a way that makes contact or even falling into the canopy possible.
The fullstall is a dangerous manoeuver and should not be performed intentionally except during a fl ight
safety course.
Emergency Piloting
In any situation where normal steering with the brakelines is not possible, the FREE FORCE 3 can be steered with the
back risers easily.
Negativ Turn
To enter a spin the pilot has to fully and quickly pull one of the brakelines when he is near the stallpoint. The glider ro-
tates fast around its center while the inner wingtip fl ies backwards. For recovery just release the applied brake to let the
glider accelerate.
The spin is a dangerous manoeuvres and should not be performed intentionally except during a fl ight safety
Even with its high stability and very responds well in turbulence, strong turbulences can cause the FREE FORCE 3 to col-
lapse. That situation is not really dangerous and clears itself automatically, without any further input required. To sup-
port the r
ecovery, fi rmly apply brakes on the aff ected side and simultaneously steer opposite on the open side. When
a large part of the canopy is collapsed be careful and smooth when applying opposite steering to avoid a complete
disruption of air
fl ow and entering a fullstall.
How to avoid collapses
Single side collapses close to the ground are the number one reason for accidents with paragliders. To avoid them, or
how to handle the situation when it happened, some tips and tricks from U-Turn test- and competition pilot Ernst Strobl:
The best way to avoid collapses upfront is the right choice of the paraglider. A lot of pilots fl y a glider that is a little too
hot to handle for them. So why don`t you get a glider with a lower rating but in the end fl y better and higher in the
updrafts and have a lot more fun and by the way be safer, too. To optimize the feeling for your glider on the ground, try
the following:
Practise on the ground with the right wind at a suitable location. Slowly pull up the canopy and try to hold it up as long
as possible without looking towards it. That is a good way to improve the feeling for your glider and is a prerequisite
for „active fl ying“ (the key to avoid collapses). Very important is also a close look at the terrain. Watch for obstacles that
could cause turbulences ( buildings, trees, ...). On certain days, for example a freshly mowed madow as landing fi eld,
could cause a lot of thermal activity.