P: 866 987-7297 F: 813-621-7125
Visit us at www.ussaws.com
The US Saws Belly Saw is designed to provide a safe alternative to
other cutting methods that can be difficult and dangerous because of the
subgrade location of pipes. The key factor that provides ease and safer
operation is that the tool is strapped to the pipe and is simply drawn
around the pipe creating a straight and efficient cutting process. Other
Key factors are that because of the use of air or hydraulic power sources
the tools can run in the wet conditions without failure. To provide the
most accurate and time efficient cutting follow the procedures below.
The belly saw was originally designed to cut the bottom ¾ of a pipe. Many operators have determined that the
belly saw provides simple and easy cutting of the entire pipe. In order to ensure an accurate cut that finishes
where the cut begins several procedures must be taken. Once all job site safety conditions have been met
pressurize the tools lines. Ensure safety clips are used where required so lines do not disconnect accidentally.
One should take care to make sure proper clearance has been provided on all sides of the line being cut. If an
object creates interference during the cutting process there will be difficulty completing the cut accurately. The
pipe must also be cleaned of rust, dirt, and unusually rough surface obstructions.
1. With the roller strap removed from the belly saw plunge cut
the tool in a free hand method. The tool will be pulled in the
direction of the handle that has the throttle/ control valve. For
that reason we recommend that the tool be plunged slightly
off the 12 o’clock mark toward the throttle handle side. This
will help to ensure good visibility of the saw as you complete
the cut, near the 12 o’clock position of the pipe. It is also
should be noted that a line should be made from 10 to 2
O’clock over the top of the pipe. While plunging the tool into
the pipe reference this line with the edge of the cutting guard-
do not line up with the blade. Once the strap is installed you
will not be able to see anything directly in the path of the
blade or under the blade guard. As the cut is completed you will be able to see the reference mark at the
10 o’clock position and can make adjustments to the cut if you have tracked off course during the cut.
Once the plunge cut has been made and the tools
alignment is satisfactory the strap must be installed. It will
also be time to add any additional reference marks to the
cutting surface to help aid in alignment start/ stop locations,