- FORM NO. 56041838 - TORRENT
Oil Change:
The fi rst oil change is required after the fi rst 50 hours of use. Impurities will get into the oil during
the break-in phase, and it is necessary to change the oil to remove the contamination that can lead
to premature pump wear. After this initial oil change, we recommend changing the oil in the pump
every three months or 300 hours of use.
NOTE: in locations with high humidity and/or wide, daily temperature ranges, it is possible for
some condensation to appear inside the pump crankcase. Condensation is evident if the oil looks
white and/or milky. While a small amount of condensation in the crankcase is not a problem, a
large amount of water in the oil (20% or more of the liquid is water) requires oil changes more
NOTE: the pump in your Torrent is in the front of the base compartment. The drain plug is located
on the left side of the pump, near the bottom. The dip stick (and oil fi ll port) is on the top of the
pump. The front of the pump contains an Oil Level Indicator that can be seen through a hole in the
front of the base compartment. The indicator is a clear view window with a yellow plate showing. A
red dot in the center of the yellow plate indicates the oil fi ll mark. The oil level should be at or just
slightly above the red dot.
NOTE: It is a good idea to run the pump for a few minutes before changing the oil, but be sure to
unplug the machine before you begin the process of changing the oil.
Use 11.8 ounces of SAE 15W-40 oil in your pump. Follow the steps below to correctly change
the oil in your Torrent pump.
1. Unplug the machine. Put the machine on a plastic sheet to protect the fl ooring surface from oil.
2. Open the latch and raise the tank. Prop the tank open so your hands are free to work on
pump. Move the two hydraulic hoses that pass over the pump out of the way
by disconnecting
them at the quick disconnects at unloader valve assembly.
3. Place a two-cup or larger container under the hole in the base, at the front of the machine, to
catch the oil as it drains from the pump.
4. Loosen the dip stick.
5. Loosen and remove the plug in the bottom of the left side of the pump. Let the oil drain out
until the pump is empty.
6. Remove the dip stick. NOTE: take care not to let oil drip onto the pump or other components.
7. Pour a few ounces of fresh oil into the pump, at the dip stick hole, and let it drain through to
fl ush out any impurities. Be careful not to spill any oil on the pump or elsewhere.
8. Replace the pump drain plug. Tighten.
9. Carefully pour about 11 ounces of fresh oil into the pump. Give it a little time to settle.
10. While watching the oil level at the Oil Indicator window (on the front of the pump head),
carefully pour a little more oil into the pump until the level reaches the red dot in the window.
11. Once the oil has reached the correct level, install the dip stick.
12. Clean up any/all oil that may have spilled or dripped inside the base of the machine.
13. Let the tank down. Move the machine away from the oil in the container on the fl oor.
14. Clean up any oil that has spilled. Pick up the container of drained oil, the plastic sheet, the oil
container(s) and dispose of all of it according to environmental regulations.