Operation Instruction
Snap the cord lead to the
electrode clip button, make sure
the lead is firmly attached to the
center of pad.
Place the electrodes on the
muscles based on your personal
preference. Note that always apply
the electrodes on skin before
activating the device.
Insert the cord connector into the
jack on the bottom of the device.
Make sure it is fully inserted in to
the jack.
Press and hold down the power
button for 0.3 second (located on
the upper right of the device)
UGYM Pro will vibrate once and the
LED display will illuminate. Now
Press the mode button (there is a
square mark on the button)on the
front of the device to cycle through 4
modes (M1 to M4). Other than the
original 4 massage modes, we are
constantly researching and develop-
ing new modes which are available
for download through our UGYM
Smart Massage app.
Set up and get started
Applyingelectrodes on skin
Connecting cord to device
Powering on
Selecting massage mode