LEXI-R422 - System integration manual
UBX-23007449 - R02
Page 94 of 108
Guidelines regarding production test procedures are included in section
In case of antenna trace design change, an FCC Class II Permissive Change application is required to
be filed by the grantee, or the host manufacturer can take responsibility through the change in FCC
ID (new application) procedure followed by an FCC Class II Permissive Change application.
RF exposure considerations
LEXI-R422 modular transmitter complies with FCC radiation exposure limits prescribed for an
uncontrolled environment for fixed and mobile use conditions. Manufacturers of mobile or fixed
devices incorporating the modular transmitter are authorized to use the FCC Grants of the modular
transmitter for their own final products according to the conditions referenced in the certificates.
LEXI-R422 modular transmitter should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm
between the radiator and the body of the user or nearby persons. Manufacturers of portable
applications incorporating LEXI-R422 modules are required to have their final product evaluated and
tested, applying for their own FCC Grant related to the specific portable device, or executing an FCC
Class II Permissive Change application. This is mandatory to meet the SAR requirements for portable
devices, with the modular transmitter installed in host products intended to be operated with less
than 20 cm between the radiator and the body of the user or nearby persons.
LEXI-R422 modular transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC procedures and as authorized in the modular
transmitter FCC certification filing.
The gain of the system cellular antenna(s) used for the LEXI-R422 modular transmitter (i.e. the
combined transmission line, connector, cable losses and radiating element gain) must not exceed the
value specified in the FCC Grant for mobile and/or fixed operating configurations
LEXI-R422 surface-mounted LGA modular transmitter includes the
pad, consisting in the RF
port of the module that can be connected through an RF antenna trace designed on the host PCB to
any antenna compliant with any appliable rules for RF exposure or any other.
Label and compliance information
If the FCC Grant of the LEXI-R422 modular transmitter can be used for the final host product, as the
conditions referenced in the certificates and in this chapter
are met, the FCC Label of the module
shall be visible from the outside, or the host device shall bear a second label stating:
"Contains FCC ID: XPYUBX22VA03"
See the general FCC guidelines for labeling and other information required to be provided to users of
RF devices available in the KDB Publication 784748.
Information on test modes and additional testing requirements
The host product manufacturer is responsible for compliance to any other FCC rules that apply to the
host not covered by the modular transmitter grant of certification. Compliance of the host product
with RF regulatory rules defined by the FCC can be verified using a radio communication tester
(callbox), as for example the Rohde & Schwarz CMW500, or any equivalent equipment for multi-radio
technology signaling conformance tests. Test modes should also take into consideration different
operational conditions for a stand-alone modular transmitter in a host product, as well as for multiple
simultaneously transmitting modules or other transmitters co-located in a host product. Consider
involving an accredited testing laboratory to verify compliance with RF regulatory rules.
Additional guidance for testing host products is given in the FCC KDB Publication 996369 D04.