Cannot jump start
Wrong clamp
Make sure to clamp the RED jumper cable to the
POSITIVE (+) post on the car battery. And BLACK
jumper cable to NEGATIVE (-) post or car interior.
Refer to Page 6 for details.
30-Second timer to
jump start has expired.
Jump starter timed out. Disconnect the cables from the
vehicle battery and reconnect.
Low battery status
Recharge the unit via USB cable until at least three
solid lights or 51% charge.
LED light on the clamp box
keeps flashing
Protection circuit is
Refer to the status table on the indicator box or page
9 of the manual.
Flashlight does not turn on
Low battery
Recharge the unit via USB cable.
The unit is charging
As a safety precaution, the flashlight light will not work
while the unit is charging. Please unplug the unit from
charging or wait until the unit finishes charging before
using the light.
The wireless charging
feature does not charge
my smartphone.
Your smartphone
cannot detect the
wireless charging pad
Adjust your device on the wireless charging pad until
it starts charging.
If your smartphone has a case thicker than 0.3 mm,
you may need to remove the case in order to charge
your smartphone wirelessly.
Your device does not
offer wireless charging
The device you are charging must have the wireless
charging feature in order to use the wireless charging
No wall adaptor
Charge via USB cable
Plug the USB cable into computer or any USB 2A
wall adaptor.
No LED indicator light
Low battery
Refer to Power level indicator on page 4 of the
Power bank in off
Press the power on/off.
Have a comment or question? Email us at: info@typesauto.com
or visit us online at www.typesauto.com
This Jump Starter is only intended to jump start 12V cars, trucks, boats, or
motorcycles with an internal combustion engine and single lead-acid battery systems.
Do not use this device to jump start batteries outside of these four types of vehicles;
doing so may cause a fire or other serious injuries. Refer to the user manual for
additional safety information.
2975 Red Hill Ave., Ste. 100, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
1.866.294.9244 | info@typesauto.com
©2019 Type S. All rights reserved.
A Horizon Brands Company