Crimping Dies 48858-1 through 48861-1
Rev N
4 of 6
Tyco Electronics Corporation
9. Remove crimped terminal from dies and visually
inspect insulation crimp.
10. Repeat adjustment as necessary until desired
insulation crimp is obtained. Do NOT use a tighter
setting than required.
11. Refer to Paragraph 3.4 and Figure 6 for crimp
inspection procedure.
3.3. Color Code
Terminals and dies are color coded as listed in
Figure 1 and shown in Figure 5. The dies have the
terminal size stamped in the wire barrel crimp
sections of both the moving and stationary dies.
When crimped, the wire size will appear on both sides
of the terminal wire barrel. The wire size appearing on
the crimped wire barrel should always agree with the
wire size stamped on the terminal tongue.
3.4. Crimp Inspection
Inspect crimped terminals by checking the features
described in Figure 6.
AMPLI-BOND terminals are shown in Figure 6.
Inspection procedure is the same for
PLASTI-GRIP terminals.
Use only the terminals that meet the conditions
shown in the “ACCEPT” column. “REJECT” terminals
can be avoided through careful use of instructions in
Paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2, and by performing regular
die maintenance described in Section 4.
Regular inspections should be performed by quality
control personnel. A record of scheduled inspections
should remain with the dies and/or be supplied to the
supervisory personnel responsible for the dies.
Though recommendations call for at least one
inspection a month, the inspection frequency should
be based on the amount of use, ambient working
conditions, operator training and skill, and established
company standards. These inspections should be
performed in the following sequence:
4.1. Cleaning
Do not allow deposits of dirt, grease, or foreign matter
to accumulate in the die closure area, or on the
bottoming surfaces of the dies. These deposits may
prevent the dies from bottoming fully and may also
cause excessive wear in the die closure surfaces,
thereby affecting the quality of the crimp. The dies
should be wiped clean frequently with a clean cloth.
4.2. Visual Inspection
Visually inspect the die closure surfaces for flattened,
broken, pitted, or chipped conditions. Although dies
may gage within permissible limits, worn or damaged
die closure surfaces can affect the quality of the
crimp. Examples of possible damaged die surfaces
are shown in Figure 7.
4.3. Plug Gage Inspection
Every die set is inspected and tested for proper die
closure dimensions before packaging. An inspection
should be performed periodically to check the die
closure for excessive wear.
Figure 7
Chipped or
The die closure inspection is accomplished using plug
gages. A suggested gage design and the GO and
NO–GO dimensions of the plug gage elements are
shown in Figures 8 and 9. The following procedure is
recommended for inspecting the die closures.
1. Clean oil or dirt from the bottoming surfaces, die
closure surfaces, and plug gage elements.
2. Remove two socket head cap screws and stop
plate from moving die. See Figure 10, Detail A.
This will provide access to the wire barrel dies for
plug gaging.
3. Assemble stationary and moving dies so that
wire barrel dies are bottomed, but not under
pressure. See Figure 10.
4. With wire barrel dies bottomed, inspect the wire
barrel crimp die closure using the proper plug
gage. Hold gage in straight alignment with the die
closure and carefully try to insert, without forcing,
the GO element. See Figure 10, Detail A. The GO
element must pass completely through the wire
barrel crimp die closure.
5. Try to insert the NO–GO element. The NO–GO
element may enter partially, but must not pass
completely through the wire barrel die closure.
6. Re–install stop plate and secure with the two
socket head cap screws.