2.9 – Mounting the Motherboard
Before installing your motherboard, make sure your chassis has the necessary motherboard
support studs installed. These studs are usually metal and are gold in color. Usually, the chassis
manufacturer will pre-install the support studs. If you’re unsure of stud placement, simply lay the
motherboard inside the chassis and align the screw holes of the motherboard to the studs inside
the case. If there are any studs missing, you will know right away since the motherboard will not
be able to be securely installed.
Some chassis’ include plastic studs instead of metal. Although the plastic studs are usable, Tyan
recommends using metal studs with screws that will fasten the motherboard more securely
in place.
Below is a chart detailing what the most common motherboard studs look like and how they
should be installed.
Use metal studs if possible, as they hold the motherboard into place more securely than
plastic standoffs.