Chapter 3
BIOS Configuration
2nd Boot Device
This option sets the type of device for the second boot drive that the
AMIBIOS attempts to boot from after AMIBIOS POST completes. The settings
are Disabled, Floppy, Floptical, CDROM, or IDE-0
3rd Boot Device
This option sets the type of device for the third boot drive that the AMIBIOS
attempts to boot from after AMIBIOS POST completes. The settings are
Disabled, Floppy, Floptical, CDROM, or IDE-0
Try Other Boot Devices
Set this option to Yes to instruct AMIBIOS to attempt to boot from any other
drive in the system if it cannot find a boot drive among the drives specified in
the 1st Boot Device, 2nd Boot Device, and 3rd Boot Device options. The
settings are Yes or No.
Initial Display Mode
This option specifies the initial display mode when the system boots. The
settings are:
Display Mode at Add-On ROM Init
This option specifies the system display mode that is set at the time that
AMIBIOS POST initializes an optional option ROM. The settings are:
Floppy Access Control
This option specifies the read-write access that is set when booting from a
floppy drive. The settings are Read-Write or Read-Only.
Hard Disk Access Control
This option specifies the read-write access that is set when booting from a
hard disk drive. The settings are Read-Write or Read-Only.
S e tti n g
De scri pti on
T he messages t hat AMI BIOS displays before boot ing t he syst em will appear
on t he syst em monit or
T he messages t hat AMI BIOS displays will not appear on t he syst em monit or
Se tting
De scription
Force BIOS
T he display mode currently being used by AMIBIOS is used.
Keep Current
T he current display mode is used.