Chapter 3
BIOS Configuration
PCI1 to PCI0 Access
Set this option to Enabled to enable access between two different PCI buses
(PCI1 and PCI0). The settings are Enabled or Disabled.
Method of Memory Detection
This option determines how your system will detect the type of system
memory you have installed. Options are Auto+SPD or Auto only.
DRAM Refresh Rate
This option specifies the interval between refresh signals to DRAM system
memory. The settings are 15.6 us (microseconds), 31.2 us, 62.4 us, 124.8 us, or
249.6 us.
Memory Hole
This option specifies the location of an area of memory that cannot be
addressed on the ISA bus. The settings are Disabled, 512KB-640KB, or 15MB-
SDRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay
This option specifies the length of the a inserted between the RAS and CAS
signals of the DRAM system memory access cycle if SDRAM is installed. The
settings are Auto, 2 SCLKs or 3 SCLKs. The Optimal default setting is Auto.
SDRAM RAS# Precharge
(CHANGE) This option specifies the length of the RAS precharge part of the
DRAM system memory access cycle when SDRAM system memory is
installed in this computer. The settings are Auto, 2 SCLKs, or 3 SCLKs.
Power Down SDRAM
If this option is set to Enabled, the SDRAM Power Down feature is enabled.
The settings are Enabled or Disabled.
ACPI Control Register
Set this option to Enabled to enable the ACPI (Advanced Configuration and
Power Interface) control register. The settings are Enabled or Disabled. The
Optimal and Fail-safe default settings are Enabled.
Gated Clock
Set this option to Enabled to enable the gated clock. The settings are Enabled
or Disabled.