User Manual of Water-Proof Brushed Speed Controller
Thanks for purchasing our electronic speed controller(ESC).
The power system for RC model can be very dangerous, please read this manual carefully.
In that we have no control over the correct use, installa on, applica on, or maintenance of our products,
no liability shall be assumed nor accepted for any damages, losses or costs resul ng from the use of the product.
1. Water-proof and dust-prooffor all weather races.
2. Small size with built-in capacitor module.
3. Automa c thro le range calibra on, easy to use.
4. Mul ple protec ons: Low voltage cut-off protec on for Lipo or NiMH ba ery / Over-heat protec on
/ Thro le signal loss protec on.
5. Easily programmed with the jumpers.
1. Connect the ESC, motor, receiver, ba ery and servo according to the following diagram
“+” and “-” wires of the ESC are connected to the ba ery pack.
A en on: The incorrect polarity will damage the ESC immediately.
The control cable of the ESC (trio wires with black, red and white color) is connected to the thro le channel
of the receiver (Usually CH2). The “Motor +” and “Motor –” wires are connected to ESC without any order.
If the motor runs in the opposite direc on, please swap these two wire connec ons.
2. Set the Transmi er
Please set the “D/R”, “EPA” and “ATL” to 100% for thro le channel
(for transmi er without LCD, please turn the knobs to the maximum value), and set the “TRIM” of the
thro le channel to 0 (for transmi er without LCD, please turn the TRIM knob to its neutral posi on).
For FutabaTM and the similar transmi ers, the direc on of thro le channel shall be set to “REV”, while
other radio systems shall be set to “NOR”. The “Fail Save” func on of the radio system is strongly
recommended to be ac vated. Please make sure that the motor can be stopped when the “Fail Save”
3. Thro le Range Se ng (Thro le Range Calibra on)
In order to make the ESC match the thro le range of different transmi ers,
the calibra onof the ESC is necessary. To calibrate the ESC, please turn on the transmi er, keep thro le s ck
at its neutral posi on, wait for 3 seconds to let the ESC execute self-test and automa c thro le calibra on.
When the ESC is ready to run, a long beep sound is emi ed from the motor.
Note: Please calibrate the thro le range again when using a new transmi er or changing the se ngs of the
neutral posi on of thro le channel, D/R, ATV, ATL or EPA parameters,otherwise the ESC may not work
Cont. / Burst Current
Forward: 60A / 360A
Backward: 30A / 180A
2-3S Lipo, 5-9 Cells NiMH
Cars Applicable
1:10 on-road, off-road Buggy, Truggy,
SCT 1:10 Crawler, Tank &Boat
Fwd: 0.0008 Ohm, Bwd: 0.0016 Ohm
Built-in BEC
3A/6V (Switch mode BEC)
Dimension & Weight
36*30*18, 40g
Motor Limit
540 or 550 size motor ≥ 8T or RPM <45000 @7.2V
540 or 550 size motor ≥13T or RPM <30000 @7.2V
2S Lipoor 5-6 cells NiMH
3S Lipo or 7-9 cells NiMH
The Meaning of Beep Sound
LED Status
1 short Beep: The ba ery is NiMH/NiCd
When the thro le s ck is in neutral range, red LED is off
2 short Beeps: The ba ery is 2S Lipo
Forward, brake or reverse at par al thro le, red LED blinks
3 short Beeps: The ba ery is 3S Lipo
Forward, brake or reverse at full thro le, red LED is solid
1 long Beep: Self-test and thro le
calibra on is OK, the ESC is ready to run
The ESC is programmed by the jumpers (Tweezers is recommended to plug and unplug the jumper).
1. Low voltage Cut-off (LVC) protec on:
If the voltage of ba ery pack is lower than the threshold for 2 seconds, the ESC will enter the protec on mode.
When the car stops, the red LED blinks to indicate the low voltage cut-off protec on has been ac vated.
2S LiPo > Output reduces 50% at 6.5V Output cuts off at 6.0V, cannot be recovered.
3S LiPo > Output reduces 50% at 9.75V Output cuts off at 9.0V, cannot be recovered.
5-9 cells NiMH > Output reduces 50% at 4.5V Output cuts off at 4.0V, cannot be recovered.
2. Over-heat protec on:
When the internal temperature of the ESC is higher than 100 Celsius degree or 212 Fahrenheit degree for 5
seconds, the ESC will reduce and cut off the output power. When the car stops, the red LED blinks to indicate
the over-heat protec on has been ac vated. If the ESC cools down to 80 Celsius degree (176 Fahrenheit degree)
the output power is recovered to normal state.
3. Thro le signal loss protec on:
The ESC will cut off the output power if the thro le signal has been lost for 0.1 second. The “Fail Save” func on
of the radio system is strongly recommended to be ac vated.
F/B/R forword > brake > reverse
F/B forword > brake
F/R forword > reverse