Page 2: ...eadset turn off S B ondo essthem 1r tu ton b t on abour l sp ds a d the LED f ash nq n b ue t lhows th earolone poweron Lo q pressthe m ti frr dLon buttoa about I se onds r d the LEo flashing n red a d b ueatern3tely thailsthe Lonc o essthe m t iuncto buftonabolr5 reLondsandrheLEDf ash q nredrhe oliit shows the earphone is Plwer otl 6 ...
Page 3: ...USB cab e to atta hthe adaoterand the then p ug rheadapterintothe 3 Answer Hang up Reject Try gi gsbtus LED li9ht in redl lull power Afte the charging is Lomp ted the rqhrsh l be altomdrlal y e tnqu sh q eratu oidE haq LED get full power LED L ght w ...
Page 4: ...ion button 3 t mes Nexitiac k Q r k pressthe multi function I Slnqle Earbud Pai ing Method single mode h 4 Lonq Press aboul 3 seconds i J o d q oL n r d s r o ob d a vo Ei P ooLn r o o oe d o l o iuv nq con e teo Se oncmethod lo oF lrte bor r o oc dr P tO q 1 do P rP i i _ i d De c 0 iF ffi ...
Page 5: ...lashing ftissutus indicates s 8 2 Pleasetofnonlhe Slrelooth onyourcellphlneaidchoore URBluetoothlWS on your list at thistime you will hear a voice Conne ted 3 Whenthetuomachinesareputintothechargingbin twillautomaticallyshul downafterthe charging sbte isactivatd atthistimqthe headsetis picked up Long pressthe MFB buftonfor3 secondito turn on the madinqand autonatiGllyform at am toconnectto the blu...
Page 6: ...e multifundion buton bout 3 seconds and the LaD f13shrng rn bl e itshows theearohone is poweron m Lr Ji lundc b acnabrurs 7 ff il5 ilJl i m rcore1oet 2 To recharge other equipment such as a cell phone The third part packaqinq and accessories ...
Page 7: ...s d not violenilytreat ihis produ a stso donl que ze with heavy objeds keep it awayfrom high tenperal reand high hlmidityenvirorment_ a xeep it away from WlFr and rolters a d other high frequ ncytransmilting devi es this wlll affe t he s gna reception ofth un tand caule the round to be broken a d dlsconnected c 9lease usethis product intheeffective nvLonFent 12 Beter andrh re should b no physical ...