The water level indicates charge left in the battery. The higher the level, the more charge is left.
During charging, the battery icon is changed to indicate this event.
GSM is on.
GPRS is used for telematics.
GPRS is active for telematics.
GSM is roaming. Device is using other than home network. Position transmissions may have been
blocked automatically. During the discreet SOS cycle, the small SOS cycle icon on the upper part of the
screen is the only indicator of the ongoing SOS cycle. When the icon disappears or changes, cycle is
over or moved to post emergency mode.
GSM network strength. The more bars and the taller the bars, the better the GSM network. Four bars
signifies high network strength. No bars signifies there’s no network available.
SOS call is active.
SOS call is in post emergency mode. Position requests are possible from emergency numbers.
Tracking is active to one or more destinations.
ManDown alarm is active / failed. Automated emergency cycles are possible.
SRD device connection is available / failed.
Amber alert is activated. Automatic emergency cycles are possible.
GNSS satellite positioning is active.
GNSS satellite positioning is in sleep mode.
GNSS satellite positioning is not available.
Accuracy of the last GNSS satellite position. The more bars and the taller the bars are, the better is the
accuracy of the last GNSS position.
If the GNSS satellite position is older than 1 minute, the signal bars are displayed as wireframes.
GNSS satellite positioning function is sleeping due to poor satellite coverage.
Icon is displayed when green (SEND) and red (END) keys are pressed simultaneously. When END key
is configured for another function than power off, the device can be shut down by pressing (SEND) and
red (END) keys simultaneously
Icon is displayed when SOS key is pressed.
Icon is displayed when red END key is pressed.
Icon is displayed when green SEND key is pressed.
Icon is displayed after ManDown alarm launch. Device need to be returned to normal mode by moving
or turning the device according to device settings.