– 10 - 2013
JA-80L wireless internal siren
The JA-80L is a component of OASiS
alarm system. The siren is mains-powered
and communicates via OASIS wireless
protocol. It can be used as an indoor alarm
siren, a sounder for entrance and exit delay
beeps and a detector-triggered chime. It also
sounds when an intruder alarm has been
triggered and confirms the actual presence of
an intruder in the building by sending a tamper
signal when it gets unplugged.
It can be used as a stand-alone device
– as
a wireless doorbell or for calling for help.
In combination with a smoke or gas detector
it will set a two minute warning alarm for fire danger.
Enrolling the JA-80L to an OASiS control panel
1. Switch the control panel to service mode and key in 1 (to enter enrollment
2. Plug the siren into a mains socket. The JA-80L indicator will turn on and off
which confirms enrollment.
3. Exit enrollment mode by pressing the # key on the system keypad.
a) Several sirens can be enrolled to the control panel if desired.
b) If the siren fails to enroll (its indicator will not turn off), check:
Is the control panel in enrollment mode ?
Is the siren set to factory default settings ? If not, reset the siren.
c) An enrolled siren generates a siren sound if an alarm is triggered in the
control panel, and can generate beeps for entrance and exit delays
(programmable in the control panel).
d) The siren can be simultaneously used as a wireless doorbell or a detector-
triggered chime. To do this the doorbell button and the relevant detectors
have to be enrolled to the siren (after the siren has been enrolled to the
control panel
– see later text).
e) If the siren gets unplugged from the mains while sounding an alarm, the
siren immediately sends a tamper signal to trigger a tamper alarm in the
control panel.
The siren’s radio signals can be checked and measured by the control panel
in service mode. To make the siren transmit a test signal, press its button.
Additional siren settings
The siren can acoustically signal
the system
(1 beep)
unsetting the system
(2 beeps). To enable this feature briefly press the siren’s
button three times (confirmed by two beeps). Use the same procedure to
disable the feature (confirmed by one beep).
It is possible to go to other menu levels by holding the siren button (must be
plugged into the mains). When the button is released the state of the currently
chosen setting is changed. Each settable state is
announced by a different
number of beeps.
1. hold for approx. 3s
– to change the volume (doorbell melody, chirps), it has
no effect on the sound of alarms
2. hold for approx. 6s
– beeps 1x – alarm restricted to PGX – the siren sounds
when the control panel is in alarm state and the PGX output is active
3. hold for approx. 9s
– beeps 2x – alarm restricted to PGY - the siren sounds
when the control panel is in alarm state and the PGY output is active
4. hold for approx. 12s
– beeps 3x – the LowBAT signal will not be transmitted
to the control panel when the siren is disconnected from the mains
5. holding the button longer will exit the setting and it will be confirmed by a
long and then a short beep.
An alarm restricted to the PGX or PGY outputs is suitable for a split system
where PGX will be assigned to alarm A and PGY to alarm B.
Enrolling a doorbell button to the JA-80L siren.
Up to 8 wireless buttons of the type RC-86K can be enrolled to the siren as
1. Plug the siren into a mains socket and if its indicator starts flashing, then
enrolling devices to the siren can begin. In this case, the siren still has
factory-default settings, i.e. no devices have been enrolled yet. If the
indicator is continuously lit after the siren is plugged in, then press and
hold it (while it is lit) until it starts flashing. This means that something
has already been previously enrolled and the mode being opened now
is for adding more devices.
2. An RC-8x can be enrolled by activating it (pressing its button).
Successful enrollment is confirmed by a melody sound. By activating
the RC-8x repeatedly, you can scroll through the 8 possible melodies
which can be linked to RC-8x activation.
3. If all the desired RC-
8x units have been enrolled, exit the siren’s
enrollment mode by pressing its button. This method allows the buttons
to be added to the previously enrolled devices
Detector-triggered chime mode
If it is desired to indicate the triggering of a wireless JA-8x detector by a chime
sound, then enroll the detector to the siren as follows:
1. Plug the siren into a mains socket. If its indicator starts flashing, detector
enrollment can proceed immediately (no previously enrolled devices).
If however,
the indicator lights continuously,
press and hold the siren
(while it is lit) until it starts flashing (devices previously enrolled)
To enroll a detector,
press and release its tamper switch
A sound is then
heard (by pressing and releasing the tamper switch you can scroll through
the 8 possible melodies for linking to the detector).
3. After all the desired detectors have been enrolled, exit enrollment mode by
pressing the siren button.
In addition to chime sounds being activated by detector triggering, they can
also be activated by a
80F keypad’s IN input
being triggered (to enroll a
keypad, press and release its tamper switch).
Alarm siren for wireless fire detectors
If you want to use a JA-80L siren for transmitting an alarm from a wireless fire
detector (JA-80S and JA-80G), enroll the detector to the siren as follows:
1. Insert the siren into the wall socket. When it starts to flash you can enroll the
detector to it immediately (no device was previously enrolled to the siren)
If the light lights constantly, press and hold the button till the light
starts to flash.
(some devices are already enrolled to the siren)
Enroll the detector by inserting batteries into the detector
– the siren
will play the sound of a doorbell
After you have enrolled all detectors press the siren‘s button to exit enrolling
4. When testing a detector by pressing the test button the siren plays a
melody. Never use an open fire to test the detector anywhere indoors. To
test using smoke use a special testing aerosol. The siren sounds when
testing using a test aerosol.
If you want to use a JA-80L siren to sound an alarm signal from
wireless detectors, the siren can’t be used with an OASiS control panel at the
same time
– it must be used separately.
Maximum number of enrolled devices
Up to 8 RC-86K units or detectors, and a single OASiS JA-80 control panel
can be enrolled to a single JA-80L siren. Each one of these things can be
enrolled to as many sirens or other receivers as desired.
Deleting all enrolled devices (RESET)
All enrolled devices can be deleted as follows:
1. Unplug the siren from the mains socket.
2. Press and hold the siren button while plugging in the siren again.
3. Keep the button pressed until two beeps are heard which confirm a reset.
4. The indicator keeps flashing (device enrollment mode).