Reference Manual
Page 39
sampling rate usually results in decreased sound quality and may be incompatible with the
SPDIF output.
Songs downloaded from the Internet from an unknown source may not have compatible SPDIF
sample rates and therefore might only play out of the analog outputs.
Why is there sometimes a delay between the time I press the Play button
and the time the music starts to play?
When you press the “Play” button, AudioTron must first download a portion of the song file
from the PC before it can start the music. Therefore, there will be a short delay caused by the
digital file stream being transferred from the PC to the AudioTron. This is indicated by the
message “Buffering” on the Display Panel when the track is first selected.
Try changing the “Pre-buffer threshold” as described in the Options Menu section. A shorter
threshold will cause the song to start playing sooner, but could result in audio dropouts.
Because they are not compressed, WAV files require more data to be transferred before
playback can begin, and therefore will exhibit a longer delay than WMA and MP3 files.
If the PC on which the song resides is in “energy-saving” mode and has been idle long enough
for the hard drive to shut down, there will be an extra delay after pressing Play while the hard
drive starts up and begins to access the song file.
Why can’t AudioTron find my music files?
Make sure your PC is powered on. If it is, then make sure the PC and hard drive are not set to
“power down” after a period of non-use. The control panel “Power Management” icon
launches a dialog box that will show how the power-save features are set. If your hard drive or
system is set to shut down after a period of time, it will be inaccessible to AudioTron.
Make sure your music files are located in shared directories with the proper names. Also,
check the password setting on the shared directories. If you have a password set, then it must
also be set on AudioTron. Also check that “file sharing” is set in the network control panel.
If you’re using a LinkSys Etherfast Cable/DSL router, check that the firmware is version 1.37
or higher (see the manual on how to do this.) Firmware versions lower than 1.37 may have a
problem providing DHCP service and IP Address access to AudioTron if the Linksys is used as
a hub for your network.
AudioTron can’t play WMA music files with the “security” option set. Since this is the default
setting in AudioStation and Windows Media Player 7, it may be that you’ve transferred your
CDs to the hard drive in “secure mode” and AudioTron can’t access them.
If your Host PC is running “firewall” software, it must be set to “pass” AudioTron’s IP
Address or it will be treated as an “unauthorized user” and be blocked from accessing the PC.
Why does AudioTron display “No Hosts Found” when first turned on?
AudioTron’s “Display Network History” Option can be used to check many of the network settings.
See the “Options Menu” section for details.
When powered up from the rear panel power switch, AudioTron will search the network for hosts
after the Standby button is pressed. If it does not find a host after searching for two minutes, it will
display “
No Hosts Found
”. If this occurs, check the following:
Reconnect the network cable to make sure it “clicks” when inserted.
Try another network cable to make sure the problem is not due to a defective cable.