10. Charger Standard Setting
10.1 Time setting
Automatic setting :
The time will be adjusted automatically when the charger connects to
the internet.
Time Server :
• time.windows.com
• cn.ntp.org.cn
• tock.stdtime.gov.tw
Note: The firewall and network environment may influence the time
server connection.
Connect the RJ45 cable to the
charger. Connect the RJ45 cable to the
Use the following IP address:
IP address: 192 . 168 . 1 . 1
Subnet mask: 255 . 255 . 255 . 0
Default gateway: . . .
Change the IP address on your
laptop computer by accessing the network
card settings. Change the TCP / IP
automatic IP to fixed IP.
• IP Address:
• Subnet Mask:
EVP1100 Series - User Manual