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Adapting the System Settings
11 Adapting the System Settings
The TX… HMI are provides with a system settings interface to allow configuration of system
The user interface of System Settings is based on HTML pages accessible from the HMI screen or
remotely using a Web browser Chrome v44 or higher using port 443.
To connect enter the address
where IP is the IP address of the HMI device.
Default username is “admin”, default password is “admin”. Use navigation menu on the left side
of the screen to browse through the vailable options.
Fig.12: System settings
The active item of menu is highlighted on the left side of the screen. The right side shows relat-
ed information and settings. Depending on the size of the HMI screen, both menu and content
of selected item may be shown on screen at the same time or not.
System Settings has 2 modes of operation:
User Mode
TX VisuPro runtime is running or the HMI device is in “factory default” status.
System Mode
TX VisuPro runtime is not running or the HMI device has a software failure. Sys-
tem Mode includes all options available in User Mode and additionally includes
commands dedicated to system upgrade and recovery not available when
running in User Mode.