• To unlock the lock with the master code for the first time, enter the code ‘0123’ and press the ‘#’
key. The lock will emit sound and the green indicator will light up. While sound emits, the lock is
unlocked and will return to the locked position immediately after the sound stops.
• Remember, the door should always be ajar when adding and/or changing codes.
4.2 Changing The Master Code
1. Enter the default (‘0123’) or the current master code, and press the ‘#’ key.
2. Wait until the beeping sound stops but the blue backlight remains on.
3. Enter a new master code starting with ‘0’ and press the ‘*’ key. The lock will emit two beeps to
confirm the code has been successfully saved.
If the master code is lost or forgotten, it may be deleted via a hard reset of the lock. Refer to Section 7.
Section 5. User Code Information & Instructions
5.1 General User Code Information
The following Information applies to your YL-99’s user codes:
• All codes can be a maximum of 15 digits including the sequence number.
• The sequence number for the master code is ‘0’, therefore you must ensure this is the
first digit of
your code. The remainder may be any combination of digits from ‘0-9’.
• The default master code is ‘0123’.
Section 4. Master Code Information & Instructions
4.1 General Master Code Information
The following information applies to your YL-99’s master code:
• The master code is the most important code in the series as it is needed to set up all other codes.
• All codes can be a maximum of 15 digits including the sequence number.