Dear Customer,
Congratulations on your purchase and thank you for choosing our product. We’re confident you won’t be disappointed. TURBITWIN
is the perfect addition to any kitchen and is not a mass-produced appliance that will wear out in just a short time. The most important
devices in your kitchen are, and always will be, those high-quality appliances that are fundamental for good cooking. With this in mind,
and to help you get the most out of your food multiprocessor, we have prepared this recipe book.
Thank you again for choosing our product. Bon appetit!
Cold tomato soup
1 spring onion, 2 cloves garlic, 2 tbsp basil leaves, 300 g toma-
toes (or peeled and seeded tomatoes), salt, pepper, 1 cucumber,
peppers, chillies, 1-2 tbsp olive oil, balsamic or wine vinegar.
Chop the onion, garlic, basil leaves and tomatoes and mix with
salt, pepper and olive oil in the Turbitwin® until smooth. Add
balsamic or wine vinegar to taste. Finely chop the cucumber,
peppers and chillies and arrange by colour in a soup bowl. Fill
with cold tomato soup.
Cream of pumpkin soup
500 g pumpkin flesh (no skin), 100 g onion, 180 mL vegeta-
ble stock, 250 mL coconut milk, 1 tbsp grated coconut, 2 clo-
ves garlic, ¼ tbsp powdered ginger, paprika, parsley, pinch of
nutmeg, chillies, salt, pinch of saffron.
Boil the pumpkin flesh for 20 minutes until tender. Heat the co-
conut milk and pour over the grated coconut. Leave to stand
for 20 minutes, then blend in the Turbitwin® for 2 minutes.
Quarter the onion, dice the pumpkin, heat the vegetable stock
and put in the Turbitwin® with the garlic cloves and the spices.
Mix in the Turbitwin® and season to taste. Serve the cream of
pumpkin soup in bowls and garnish with parsley.
Chilli sauce with linguini
Ingredients: 250 g linguini, 2-5 washed red chillies, 125 mL
warm milk, 125 mL hot meat stock, 250 g fresh cream, 1 tbsp
tomato purée, 4 tomatoes, 100 g grated fresh Parmesan, 1½
onions, 2 cloves garlic, 250 g diced bacon, salt, pepper.
First quickly grate the fresh Parmesan cheese in the Turbitwin®
and set aside. Cook the pasta in salted water until al dente. Fi-
nely chop the garlic cloves and onion in the Turbitwin®, sweat
in a little oil, add the diced bacon and fry.
Put the stock, milk, fresh cream and chillies in the Turbitwin®
and mix to desired consistency. Quarter the tomatoes, add
them to the mixture in the Turbitwin® and mix briefly. Pour the
finished sauce over the pasta, sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese
on top and warm briefly in the oven or microwave, as a final
touch. Add a little more Parmesan cheese and serve.
Quick potato pancake
Ingredients: 300 g fresh potatoes, 4 tbsp / ½ bunch parsley, 2
egg yolks, 1 tbsp flour, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 medium onion, salt
(to taste).
Peel and quarter the potatoes, peel the onion, add the egg yo-
lks, flour, olive oil and parsley and mix to a smooth, batter-like
consistency in the Turbitwin®. Leave to stand for a few minutes,
then fork into a non-stick pan so the pancake is not too thick.
Fry on both sides until golden (2-4 minutes), remove from the
pan and leave to dry. As a final touch, place in a preheated oven
(210ºC-230ºC ) for approximately 8 minutes,.
Potato purée with bacon and onion
750 g potatoes, 40 g butter, 30 g bacon, 1 small onion, milk,
chopped herbs, salt.
Boil the potatoes and peel straight away. Heat the milk and but-
ter separately, then put them in the Turbitwin® with the pota-
toes and blend until they form a light and frothy paste. Dice the
bacon, fry it with the onion and sprinkle over the potato purée.
Garnish with the chopped herbs.
Steak tartare
250 g beef, 1 anchovy, 1 finely chopped shallot, 1 tbsp hot mus-
tard, 1 tbsp capers finely chopped in the Turbitwin®, 1 egg yolk,
1 red onion finely diced in the Turbitwin®, a little brandy, curry
powder, paprika, white pepper, black pepper, salt, mixed whole
peppercorns as garnish, small green and red chillies, gherkin.
An ideal dish for preparation in the Turbitwin®. Using the Tur-
bitwin®, the 250 g of beef (without sinews) cut into thick pieces
can be processed so that it becomes loose and easy to separate
without being mushy. To mince the beef well, select the turbo
speed setting on the Turbitwin®, or for a thicker cut use the pul-
se setting. Make sure the egg is fresh, as the recipe requires a
raw egg yolk.
Tip: All the ingredients can be mixed in the Turbitwin®. First
mince the meat and then add the gherkin, shallot, capers, an-
chovy, chopped onion, spices and brandy. Finally, add the egg
yolk and mustard and mix briefly. Then mould the tartare into
shape and serve on lettuce leaves.
Preparation, classic style:
Mince the meat finely and place in a bowl, press down lightly
on the meat and turn out on to a plate garnished with the rest
of the ingredients. Make a depression in the middle with a spo-
on and place the egg yolk in it. Serve immediately. Accompany
Summary of Contents for dual-power food processor
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