Enter sleep mode
Set Vibration alert and extended cancellation period
While led is on, press and release the button 5 times quickly
Holding the last 5th press until the led turns off. Once the led turns off, release the button.
After 5 seconds, you can check that the VitalBase is back into sleep mode by pressing the button 2 times quickly.
The watch vibrates and the led flashes.
If it is not working please restart the process from the begining.
VitalBase watch needs to be layed down on a table during this step as shown in this picture
Press and release the button just like for sending an alarm
While led is on, press and release the button 3 times quickly
Holding the last (3rd) press until the led turns off. Once the led turns off, release the button.
To check the mode of the VitalBase, press the alarm button (immediately after changing the mode only).
If led stays on for 3 seconds : vibration alert and extended cancellation period is enabled (normal mode).
If led is flashes for 3 seconds : vibration alert and extended cancellation period is disabled.
VitalBase watch needs to be layed down on a table during this step as shown in this picture
Press and release the button.
To put the VitalBase watch back into sleep mode for transit or storage, please follow the below process !
The VitalBase watch is designed to identify a serious fall that leads to a state of immobility and/or unconsciousness of the user.
If such a fall is detected, the detector vibrates to alert the user that it is about to send a radio alarm signal to the Lifeline home
unit. Prior to the unit vibrating, in order to reduce the number of false calls, should the user continue or start to move again
within a pre-set time limit (approx. 15 secs) after the fall, a call to the monitoring centre will not be generated. The vibration
alert then gives the user a final warning that it is about to transmit an alarm and gives a further period in which to cancel the
alarm by moving their arm/detector. The vibration alert and extended cancellation period can now be disabled in which case
once a fall has been determined the alarm will be generated without vibrating the watch. The user’s circumstances should be
considered carefully before changing the operation of the fall detector as disabling this vibration alert and extended cancella-
tion period will result in an increase in calls to the monitoring centre. Please note: movement after an event always remains
part of the VitalBase watch algorithm therefore movement by the user after the event may result in the VitalBase determining
the event not to be a fall.