To log as present
Providing help to the caller
Reporting the current presence of staff at all times is pre
requisite for the efficient use of the call system. There are
two categories of staff: Staff 1 (e.g. nursing staff), Staff 2
(e.g. doctors).
Activated presence buttons
indicate the presence of staff in the room,
acknowledge a fresh call in this room,
prepare the reception of forwarded calls,
prepare the initiation of emergency calls. That means,
calls from rooms with activated “Presence“ buttons are
indicated with higher priority,
put the blue alarm buttons into operation (at the
RoomTerminal and at remote alarm switches). That
means, pressing a blue alarm button will only initiate a
cardiac alarm when staff presence is activated,
If an announcement is broadcasted at the nurse call
system loudspeakers, an attention tone sounds at the
RoomTerminal where presence is activated.
When entering the room
Activate the green presence button (Staff 1) or yellow
presence button (Staff 2) at the RoomTerminal or at re
mote presence switch.
The reminder lights of all presence buttons in the room
for this staff category come on.
When leaving the room
De-activate the green presence button (Staff 1) or yel
low presence button (Staff 2) at the RoomTerminal or at
remote presence switch.
The reminder lights of all presence buttons for this staff
category in the room go out.
Display of calls
If a call is not acknowledged at the nurse station within a
programmed time frame (e.g. 30 seconds), this call will be
forwarded to all rooms where the presence is activated.
Forwarded calls are presented in the
RoomTerminal's display, and an
acoustic signal will sound:
Normal call: Short tone, long pause, short tone, ...
Emergency call: Tone, Pause, Tone, ...
Cardiac alarm: Long tone, short pause, long tone, ...
A call is displayed at the RoomTerminal:
1. Press the function key to acknowledge the call.
The call is acknowledged.
2. Log-out from the current room by de-activating the
presence button.
3. Go to the calling location.
4. Log-in at the calling location by activating the presence
5. Provide the required help to the calling person.
6. Cancel the call: Automatic cancelling of calls after de-
activating the presence button (except calls from WC).
For calls from the WC: Press the grey cancel button in
the WC or - if the function key available at the
RoomTerminal - press this function key.
7. De-activate the presence button.
: If an acknowledged call is not cancelled within a pro
grammed time frame (e.g. 3 minutes), it will be re-activated
Calling for assistance
Raising an emergency call
You are in the patient room and you need assistance:
Press the red call button at the RoomTerminal or anoth
er call switch in the room.
The light for the call button is brightly illuminated or is
flashing brightly (RoomTerminal). If the presence but
ton is also activated, an emergency call is raised.
: An emergency call or cardiac alarm re-activates a
previously acknowledged call and it must be answered
again before it can be cancelled.
Raising a cardiac alarm
: Alarm buttons are operational only with activated
staff presence.
You are in the patient room and you need top priority assis
tance (e.g. cardiac team):
Press the blue alarm button at the RoomTerminal or an
other alarm switch in the room.
The light for the alarm button is brightly illuminated or is
flashing brightly (RoomTerminal).
© Tunstall GmbH, 00 8801 67, Rev. 3.0 (06/2015)
Orkotten 66, 48291 Telgte, Germany, www.tunstall.de
RoomTerminal Flamenco
Order no. 77 0520 00
User instructions
Function keys (situation-related functions)
Blue alarm button
Blue location light (10) faintly illuminated for finding
the button in the dark. Flashing brightly when an alarm
was raised at the RoomTerminal (reassurance light).
Red call button
Red location light (9) faintly illuminated for finding the
button in the dark. Flashing brightly when a call was
raised at the RoomTerminal (reassurance light).
Green presence button for staff 1
Green reminder light (5) illuminates when presence 1
is activated.
Yellow presence button for staff 2
Yellow reminder light (7) illuminates when presence 2
is activated.
Diagnostic Call
Room: 207