• You can upgrade the firmware on your iLevil2. We are always integrating new and exciting
features, so check the website for firmware updates.
• We are always innovating! Stay up to date with Levil developments and App integrations by
filling out the Warranty registration card and check the “sign me up for newsletters” checkbox.
• iLevil2 AW comes with a standard ADS-B antenna, however, external antennas are also
available on our website for remote mount applications: www.shop.levil.com
• If you encounter WiFi connection problems, try resetting the tablet’s WiFi (disable/enable)
• To save battery and reduce load, try using the tablet in “Airplane Mode” and enable WiFi only.
• If using Apple devices, you may use our free AHRS Utility App to see battery percent,
GPS signal power, ADS-B diagnostics etc.
• Do Not switch the iLevil ON/OFF button swiftly when resetting power to the iLevil. When turning
OFF the iLevil2, wait for it to complete the shut down sequence. Make sure the LEDs go OFF
before turning iLevil ON again.
• ADS-B weather and re-broadcast of traffic is provided within the United States only.
• In most locations, it is not possible to receive ADS-B information from ground towers unless you
are airborne (typically above 2000 feet) with line of sight to the tower.
• The internal AHRS has a max rate of turn of 300 deg/sec. Most likely you will exceed this limit
(or “tumble” it) when playing with the iLevil in your hands. If this is the case, and the AHRS did
not recover, you may “tumble” it again, and set it on a level surface. It will recover within 4 sec.
• Pressure Altitude is sent at 29.92 inHg. You must enter the correct altimeter setting on the App
side to compensate for barometric pressure changes.
Helpful Tips