lt is a danger of making any altera�ons or addi�ons to the device without the
approval of the Type Approval Authority, and a danger of not following closely the
installa�on instruc�ons provided by the child restraint manufacturer.
When the chair is not provided with a tex�le cover, it shall be
recommended that the chair should be kept away from sunlight, otherwise it may
be too hot far the child's skin.
Children should not le� in their Enhanced Child Restraint System una�ended.
Any luggage or other objects liable to cause injuries in the event of a
collision shall be properly secured.
The Enhanced Child Restraint System shall not be used without the cover.
The Enhanced Child Restraint System cover should not be replaced
with any other than the one recommended by the manufacturer, because the
cover cons�tutes an integral part of the restraint performance.
When used far stature heights between 135 to 150cm this seat might
not fit in all vehicles.
The instruc�ons should be retained far future use.