If the hardware is installed, the pitch bend can be controlled using midi by sending pitch bend commands.
Use the Juno’s amount sliders next to the bender to set the amount of pitch bend and/or filter modulation.
The Juno-66 features an additional ADSR envelope for the filter. It is a global envelope. This means there
is not one envelope for each voice but one shared by each voice. In Poly, Duo, Three voice modes the
envelope is retriggered after all keys had been released. in Mono A mode it is retrigged with each key
press, in Mono B mode it is not retriggered when playing legato.
Envelope parameters delay, attack, decay, sustain, release, and amount can be controlled via midi
controller messages. The range of the parameters is very wide: From a couple of milliseconds on the low
end up to 5 seconds on the longest setting. The parameter control low is logarithmic to ensure a good
control over the whole range.
The delay paramter is adjustable between 0 and 5 seconds is the time until the attack phase begins.
If the looping mode is turned on (midi controller value >63), the ADSR will start a new attack phase the
moment the sustain level is reached. This way the ADSR is looped until the gate is turned off, after which
the ADSR will continue its release phase like normally.
If the polarity is set to inverted (midi controller >63), the hole envelope
will be inverted. Since the Juno-66 can only output positive values, this means, that here the zero level
equals the ADSR amount setting.
The midi controller numbers can be found in the Appendix.
The Juno-66 features an additional LFO for the filter which outputs a triangular waveform.Its frequency
can be adjusted from 0,12Hz - 8kHz using a fine and coarse control. The amount can also be adjusted.
See the midi controller chart for corresponding controller numbers.
This is a build in sample and hold style LFO that controls the filter. A random value is created on every s/h
clock event and sent to the filter. This simulates the effect of the sample and hold LFOs common in
analog synthesizers, where a noise source is periodically sampled to get a new random value each time.
You can choose between three different clock sources by using the config menu. The internal arp clock,
midi clock and midi trigger. The midi clocks divider can be adjusted in the config menu or via midi. When
midi trigger is selected, the S/H will trigger when note C#-2 is played (second lowest midi note).
You can control the amount of this LFO by using the controller number shown in the midi controller chart
or by using the config menu.