Many of the Venom-X settings and functions can be adjusted and turned on/off during game play.
The chart below lists all the functional key combinations for users to adjust On the Fly. We will always keep adding
more functions for users, the setup software will alert users of any new firmware or software automatically. You
can also check our website at www.tuact.com for the new update information.
Terms used in the chart:
• F button:
Each of the Venom-X mouse and wand has one F (function) key,
referred as the F(L) on wand, and F(R) on mouse.
• “+”: "+" The symbol of "+" means press two keys at the same time momentarily
• ADS: Aim Down Sight
• “
▲” and “▼”: The up/down buttons on the mouse top.
• “
: The arrow keys on keyboard
To learn about more terms please check our website at: www.tuact.com
TGS - Tuact Guidance System
The “Tuact Guidance System” referred as TGS is a precision tracking technology, it realizes true 1:1 mouse pad
to game tracking that achieves quick and precision aiming.
TGS simplified the user adjustment than before, mouse speed is the only parameter for gamer to adjust.
To have most accurate tracking, the game sensitivity should be always set the maximum.
The TGS technology is added since the Venom firmware V3.0.0, we strongly recommand user to upgrade his
Venom firmware if it is lower than V3.0.0 to enjoy the most accurate tracking experience. Due to the setup
software is no longer compatible with the earlier firmware, thus user should download and use the setup
software of V3.0.0 or newer to upgrade firmware and configure.
Increase Mouse Speed
F(R) + Wheel-Up
1.0 - 6.0
Decrease Mouse Speed
F(R) + Wheel-Down
1.0 - 6.0
Increase ADS Mouse Speed
F(L) + Wheel-Up
0.5 - 2.5
Decrease ADS Mouse Speed
F(L) + Wheel-Down
0.5 - 2.5
Auto Firing On/Off
F(R) + R1
Toggle Auto firing on/off
Auto firing tap select increase
F(R) + R4
Burst 2->3->4->Continue
Auto firing tap select decrease
F(R) + R7
Continue-> 4->3->2 burst
Aim Down Sigh Lock On/Off
F(L) + L1
Toggle ADS Lock on/off
Swap Left stick and mouse
F(L) + L3
Swap Enable/Disable toggle
Increase Mouse DPI
DPI Low->Mid->High
Decrease Mouse DPI
DPI High->Mid->Low
Logo Light On/Off
Toggle Logo Light On/Off
Pair Wand to Transceiver
F(L) + L4
Enter Pair mode
Pair mouse to Transceiver
F(R) + Start
Enter Pair mode
On the Fly Setup Command
TGS Version
Select settings profile
Profile Button
Red->Blue->Green in Cycle
Increase Mouse polling rate
Decrease Mouse polling rate
for 1 sec
for 1 sec
125->250->500->1KHz, flash 1-4 times
1K->500->250->125Hz, flash 4-1 times
Increase Mouse Y Speed Ratio
F(R) + DPad-Up
0.5 - 2.5
Decrease Mouse Y Speed Ratio
F(R) + DPad-Down
0.5 - 2.5