Call Alert
To alert other users to your message and gain their attention you can send
a Call Alert melody by pressing the PTT button twice in quick succession.
There are five different call alert tones and off.
To change the Call Alert melody, press the FUNCTION button until 'CA'
appears. Use the UP or DOWN button to change the setting. Press the PTT
or FUNCTION button or wait for 5 seconds to store your choice.
If the compander is activated, your radio will eliminate the background
noise and generate clearer sound by cutting off the high and low
frequencies. The users who prefer the unrefined sound are recommended
to use the radio with this compander unactivated.
The Monitor function is used to briefly check for activity on the current
channel, regardless of privacy code settings. It is the same as setting the
squelch level to 'Off'.
To activate or deactivate the Monitor press the Monitor button for about 2
seconds. The Monitor icon will appear when the Monitor is active. It is
normal to hear background static noise.
Display & Keypad Backlight
The display and keypad backlight will illuminate for 5 seconds whenever
any buttons (except for the PTT button) are pressed.
Channel Scan
The Channel Scan can be used to find or detect users on other radio
To activate/deactivate the channel scan, press the SCAN button briefly. The
Scan icon will appear when the channel scan is active. Scanning will only
stop when you deactivate the scan function.
The radio will scan through the 8 channels. If your radio detects a valid
signal the scan will pause and stay on the channel for about 5 seconds
before resuming the scan.