Key Functions
Green Key
- When in home
screen use this key to
enter your call logs, use
it to make calls once a
number is highlighted
also use this button to
answer calls when the
phone is ringing and to
take a picture when in
camera mode.
Red Key
- Hold down this
button to turn on and
off the phone, use this
button to end your call
and reject calls that
are incoming. Press
this key to return to
the home screen at
Navigation Up Key
- When in home screen use this key as
a shortcut to SMS messaging, use it to scroll up in the
Navigation Down Key
- When in home screen use this key
as a shortcut to Alarm, use it to scroll down in the menu
Menu Left Key
- This key will do what is written above it
on the bottom left of the screen, when in home screen
press to access the menu
Menu Right Key
- This key will do what is written above
it on the bottom right of the screen, when in home