Tsyklon Labs KOSMODROM CORE v 1.2 PCB SET Build Instructions Download Page 13

Expressions of Gratitude

A Siberian Sized Spasibo to  Kurt for  assembling  the  Core kit to proof the DIY  Build Documents.  Your feedback  has been invaluable in
ensuring the quality and accuracy of these instructions.

Ursa Major [like giant Russian Circus Bear sized] thanks to Hannes Pasqualini at Papernoise for taking the disjointed thoughts, suggestions,
and ramblings of my childhood love of all things Cosmonaut and turning them into the FREAKING AWESOME visual language that would be at
home in a space station 250 miles [402 km] high traveling at 17,000 mph [27,359 kph]. 

Support and Contact Information:

If you should have any issues or questions about the assembly of your Kosmodrom Core, you can reach us at:

[email protected]

We will make every efort to reply to you as soon as we possibly can. 

If you would like to sign up for our mailing list [one monthly email max, and occasional re-stock notifcations], please fll out the form here:

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Document Published: 3 AUGUST 2016



V 1.2

Page 13

Summary of Contents for KOSMODROM CORE v 1.2 PCB SET

Page 1: ...ngM3screwsonPCBStandofs 10mmDeepWellSocketfortighteningPotentiometernutand7mmforToggleSwitchnut KnurledNutTool Xicon382 0006 or8mmSocketfortighteningJacknuts Verifythatyouhavethefollowingparts ifsomethingismissing contactusrightawayforreplacements diy tsyklon com Qty PartDescription PCBComponentID 1 KosmodromCOREPrintedCircuitBoard COREPCB 1 KosmodromCOREAluminumFrontPanel COREFrontPanel 4 10kCurr...

Page 2: ...mAllenDriver AUDIO_XLR 2 LockingNut M3 5 5mmNutDriver AUDIO_XLR 2 Spacer Nylon M3x4mm AUDIO_XLR 1 GroundWire Green 24AWG Solid AUDIO_XLR 3 BlackHeatShrinkTubing 3 32 2 5mm AUDIO_XLR 1 Sowter8044e 12 1DITransformer GrommetMount ifyougottheFULLkit TR101 Ifyouhaveall ormost ofyourparts let sgetstarted DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CORE V 1 2 Page 2 ...

Page 3: ...for chips or fakes in the powder coated panel as well as any issues with the screen printing Itshouldlooklikethis 1 3 Finally lookovertheBillOfMaterials BOM andverifythattherestofthepartslistedintheBOMareinyourkit Ifanyofthese componentsaremissingordamaged pleaseletusknowassoonaspossiblesothatwecanarrangetogetyouthereplacementpartsthat youneed DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CORE V 1 2 Page 3 ...

Page 4: ...R103 R105 R107 39kResistor Orange White Black Red Brown R102 R104 R106 R108 ThisiswhatthePCBshouldlooklikewithalloftheresistorsinstalled 2 2 Next insertthefourLEDsintotheirassignedlocations Takenotethattheshortestlead BLUEAnode hasathinnerleadandthe middlelengthlead REDAnode hasabottomthatisperpendiculartothecenterlead longestlead CommonCathode Alsotakenotethat thePCBsilkscreenhasasimilarformtothe...

Page 5: ...hejacks switch andpotentiometerseated installthefrontpanelandthenthejacknutsandnutsfortheAttenuation potentiometerandGroundLifttoggleswitch ThiswillkeepeverythingtogetherwhileyousolderthepinstothePCB Tightenthenutsuntil theyaresnug noneedtogocrazytightonthem IfyouareusingpliersinsteadofaKnurledNutTool becarefulnottoscratchthefront panel CheckthatthefrontpanelisparalleltothePCB Ifnot youmaywanttoin...

Page 6: ...frontpanel 2 8 NextinstalltheshroudedEurorackpowerheaderintothebackofthePCB SolderonepinonthefrontsideofthePCB Oncetackedin fipthePCBovertomakesurethatthepowerheaderisfushagainstthebackofthePCB Ifnot heatupthepinthatyouhavesolderedand workthepowerheaderinplacesothatitisfushwiththePCB Onceyouhavethisset youarereadytosoldertherestofthepins 2 9 Some headers require more than a little heat to make the...

Page 7: ...mountingshaft 2 11 Threadoneofthetwohexnutsbackontothetransformer Noneedtomakeitextratight snugwilldo 2 12 WiththePCBfacingfrontsidetowardsyou passallofthewiresthroughthe grommetholeinthePCB followed bythethreadedpost onthetransformer Onceyouhavethetransformerseatedso that the hexnutis fushagainst the front ofthe PCB installthestarwasher then the second hex nut onto the threaded post of the transf...

Page 8: ...iressothattheyreachtheirlabeledPCBpadswithalittleslack 1 5 40mm longerthantheendofthethreadedpostshouldbeplentyoflength butdoublecheckthatthewireswillreachthePCBpadsbeforeyoucut Strip 0 25 6mm of the insulation of each wire and solder those three wires through the back of the PCB to the pads by color label Yellowwiretothe Yellow pad Blackwiretothe Black pad andOrangewiretothe Orange pad Trimtheexc...

Page 9: ...COREfrontpanel takenoticethattheholesneartheXLRjackshouldlineupwiththetabsontheXLRjack Ifnot youmay have the front panel on backwards but the printing should make it obvious You may also want to install the thin washer on the potentiometerbeforeinstallingthefrontpaneltomakesurethateverythingisfush Besuretotightenthejacknuts aswellasthehexnuts ontheswitch onehexnutoneachsideofthefrontpanel andpoten...

Page 10: ...uts onto the ends of the screws and tighten Your stack up should look similar to the picture below Be sure that youinstallbothofthelongscrewstoholdtheXLRjackinplace 2 20 SoldertheGreenwiretothegroundpinoftheXLRjack YoucanbendthegroundpinsothatitisparalleltothePCBsothatyouhave clearancefortherestoftheXLRjackwires DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CORE V 1 2 Page 10 ...

Page 11: ...theshrinktubing optional overeachwireandpushtheshrinktubingdowntowardsthe transformerendofthewire thiswillkeeptheshrinktubingfromshrinkingbeforeweareready 2 22 Solder the last three wires to the correct pins on the XLR jack take a close look at the picture below RED wire to Pin 2 BROWN wiretoPin3 GREYwiretoPin1 IfyouareunsureofwhichXLRpiniswhich lookintotheconnectionendofitwithabrightlightaseachpi...

Page 12: ...ytoturnthepotentiometershaftentirelyclock wiseoranti clock wise installtheknobsothattheindicatorlineispointingtothecorrectend stoplineandtightenthetwoscrewsthatwillholditinplace 2 24 PowerupandPlay Jobwelldone Udarnik DIY Build DOC BOM KOSMODROM CORE V 1 2 Page 12 ...

Page 13: ...gat17 000mph 27 359kph SupportandContactInformation IfyoushouldhaveanyissuesorquestionsabouttheassemblyofyourKosmodromCore youcanreachusat diy tsyklon com Wewillmakeeveryeforttoreplytoyouas soonaswepossiblycan Ifyouwouldliketosignupforourmailinglist onemonthlyemailmax andoccasionalre stocknotifcations pleasefllouttheformhere http tsyklon com contact Ifyouprefernottosignupfortheemaillist butstillwa...

Page 14: ...R000 Resistor C C000 Capacitor PB PB_RESET PushButton SW SW_INVERT Switch Toggle VR VR000 VariableResistor PotentiometerorTrimmer LED LED000 LightEmittingDiode D D000 Diode Q Q000 Transistor BJT FET orMOSFET IC IC000 IntegratedCircuit MHDR MHDR_NBL MaleHeader FHDR FHDR_NBL FemaleHeader FB FB000 FerriteBead XTAL CLK_XTAL QuartzCrystal REG 10VREG VoltageRegulator PF PF000 ResettablePolyFuse POWER PO...

Page 15: ...P1 P3 P2 P1 P3 P2 1 2 3 4 5 6 GROM 2 3 1 5 6 4 1 3 2 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...

Page 16: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...
