To start recording make sure there is a master
card (memory card with the recorded service
information) in the slot (2). The Recorder reads
service information necessary for the Recorder’s
operation from the card.
Starting the Recorder
Turn the recorder on (switch to “On” position).
Choose Rec in the Main Menu. Select memory card
to make recording on it (see more details about
memory card in Rec. mode in Operation Manual).
The recording starts after pressing Rec button
(red circle on grey background) in the bottom-left
corner. To stop recording press the button again.
Don’t take out the card until the indicator near
it is blinking.
Viewing Video Records
The recording can be viewed both on a build-
in screen and on PC. To view t on the screen:
turn the recorder on (switch to “On” position).
Choose “View” in the Main Menu. Select the card,
then select the recording on the card.