Searching for Radio Signal Source
To set the mode of searching for radio signal source,
double-click the button briefly.
In this case, left green LED will be flashing without
any signal. When the source of signal appears and
as approaching it, the number of LEDs will increase,
with each signal light flashing and then staying on
all the time. Repeated short pressing of the button
switches the product to detection mode.
Evaluation of Radio Signal Strength
Place the product in search mode in 50 cm from the
signal source and according to the digital scale (-10-
40 dB / mW) evaluate radiation power, considering:
-10dBm ..... 100mW,
0 dBm ......... 1 mW,
10dBm ...... 10mW,
20dBm ...... 100mW,
30dBm ....... 1W
40dBm ....... 10W.
If the LED above figure is flashing, the power is
equal to 0.3 of the one marked on the scale (eg, the
LED is flashing above 20dBm - the power is about