Grip the Rip Trainer with the left hand,
palm up, and with the right hand,
palm down. Stand facing the anchor,
with the resistance cord on the right
side. Place feet in a symmetrical
stance with the Rip Trainer pointed at
the anchor. Squat down and bring the
bar past the right leg in a paddling
motion. Repeat for 30 seconds, then
switch sides and repeat.
Grip the Rip Trainer with both hands,
palms down, with the resistance cord
on the right side. Stand with your back
to the anchor. Place feet in a sym-
metrical stance with arms extended
overhead. Squat down and bring the
bar to the chest; stand up and press
the bar overhead. Repeat for 30 sec-
onds; switch sides and repeat.
Grip the Rip Trainer with the left
hand, palm down, and with the
right hand, palm up. Stand facing
sideways, with right side to the
anchor, and the resistance cord
on the right side. Place feet in a
symmetrical stance and position
the bar perpendicular to the torso.
Squat up and down while arcing
out a circle with the end of the
bar. Repeat for 30 seconds; switch
hand positions and repeat for
another 30 seconds.
Rip TRaineR
this workout takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and should be performed two to three times per week for best results.
it challenges balance, core strength, explosive power and general movement patterns seen in many sports. perform each
exercise for 30 seconds per side for the number of rounds given for each fitness level; rest for 60 seconds between sets.
Beginners: 1 round
Intermediate: 2 rounds
Advanced: 3 rounds