Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
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© 2009 Trust Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document is provided for Trust Automation, Inc. customers, solely for the purpose of assisting our
customers in the use and installation of our products. Other uses are unauthorized without the written
permission of Trust Automation, Inc. The text and graphics included are for purpose of illustration only
and information is subject to change without notice. Trust Automation, Inc. and the Trust Automation,
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143 Suburban Road, Bldg. 100
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
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Handling and Safety Information
Trust Automation products contain static sensitive parts that may be damaged if handled improperly.
We strongly encourage you to follow proper ESD procedures when handling electronic components.
Removing component covers, except where expressly permitted, may expose products to static
damage and increase the risk of premature failure.
High voltages are present in some Trust Automation products. Maintenance or repair should only be
performed by qualified personnel and only under power down conditions. Maintenance and repair shall
be limited to those items described in this operating manual as user approved. All other repair and
maintenance shall be performed by Trust Automation, Inc.