Please do not use the IMPACT Therapy™ Device v2, or any vibration device
without fi rst obtaining approval from your doctor if any of the following apply:
Pregnancy, diabetes with complications such as neuropathy or retinal damage, use of pacemakers,
recent surgery, epilepsy or migraines, herniated disks, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, or
spondylosis, recent joint replacements or IUDs, metal pins or plates or any concerns about your
physical health. Frail individuals and children should be accompanied by an adult when using any
vibration device. These contraindications do not mean that you are not able to use a vibration or
exercise device but we advise you to consult a doctor fi rst.
Ongoing research is being done to the effects of vibration exercise for specifi c medical disorders.
This will likely result in the shortening of the list of contraindications as shown above. Practical
experience has shown that integration of vibration exercise into a treatment plan is advisory in
several cases. This must be done on the advice of and in accompaniment with a doctor, specialist or
IMPACT Therapy™ Device v2 Specifi cations
Battery Capacity
24V/2400mAh (6 cells)
Net Weight
Main Body: 990g
Heads Approx. 0.7–1oz (20–30g)
Vibration Frequencies
Level 1: 1800±100RPM
Level 2: 2400±100RPM
Level 3: 2800±100RPM
Level 4: 3200±100RPM
What is
IMPACT Therapy™ can stimulate and
accelerate the repair of strained muscle
fi bers by supplying quick bursts of force
in focused, rapid pulses into deep muscle
tissues. This can help stimulate the fl ow
of blood to areas of the body where
you may be experiencing discomfort,
encouraging pain relief and thus
enhancing range of motion. It’s
perfect for both loosening up
before your workout and
post-workout relief.