The truMedic® Insta® Handheld Percussion Massager is not a medical product and should not be used
for any medical purpose.
Children under the age of 8 or individuals lacking the mental or sensory capabilities to operate this product
shouldn’t do so without adult supervision.
Consult your physician before using the truMedic® Insta® Handheld Percussion Massager if you are
pregnant, are susceptible to skin allergies or infections, or are using a pacemaker or other implanted device.
Do not over-use or over-treat one area of the body. The truMedic® Insta® Handheld Percussion
Massager is intense and is designed to be used for a maximum of 15 minutes per area.
Do not use on the head or other sensitive areas of the body.
This product SHOULD NOT be used on: infants, unconscious persons, those with extremely sensitive skin, or
those with blood circulation problems.
This massager is not intended for use on inflamed or irritated skin of any nature.
If you’re suffering from any condition that prevents you from operating the controls, or if you have sensory issues
affecting the lower half of your body, you shouldn’t use this product.
If you experience pain or discomfort while using this massager, discontinue use.
Take care to keep clothing, hair, and jewelry away from the truMedic® Insta® Handheld Percussion
Massager at all times while in use.