TR-B222R user manual
2 Megapixel IP Camera Manual
Exposure Target
Sets the target brightness of auto exposure operation. It can be adjusted in the range 0-100 and larger
value means brighter image.
Shutter Range
Sets the range of shutter speed.
MAX Gain
AE MAX Gain can be used to increase the upper limit of automatically controlled gain value to get
brighter image at night. It is useful especially when the scene is dark. Bright image obtained in this way
can contain more noises. This setting is effective only when TDN is in night mode.
Sets IRIS operation mode: auto IRIS or manual mode.
IRIS Active Time
Adjusts the min(fast) limit of shutter speed when IRIS Mode is set to Auto. In case of NTSC, min value of
the shutter speed becomes 1/(30 x IRIS Active Time) sec. In case of PAL, it becomes 1/(25 x IRIS Active
Time) etc.
Sets if BLC(Back Light Compensation) or WDR(Wide Dynamic Range) function is to be enabled for
better image in the situation with backlight or scenes with dark parts and bright parts together.
Gamma Index
Selects the gamma correction curve. 0 is for linear mapping and larger values for making dark range
Color & Filter
Adjusts image brightness: the larger, the brighter.
Adjusts image contrast: the larger, the higher.